Eve Template Builder

This color will determine the rest of your site

Saturation will determine the rest of your site

You have selected
#5f3fbf as your main color.

Please check how your site will look now in both "dark" and "light" variants.

Some Card Title

This is some text. It doesn't have to be real text, can be just some Lorem Ipsum right here. Do you know what Lorem Ipsum is, right?

Some Form

Some Card Title

This is some text. It doesn't have to be real text, can be just some Lorem Ipsum right here. Do you know what Lorem Ipsum is, right?

Some Form

What is Eve?

Eve is Generator, aimed to help with development of complex Hybrid Site+CMS+CRM+BPM Web Applications.

How does it work?

Uses AI to analyize client business and generate Business Models

Generates database structures and fill with generated data

Theme is picked with theme builder

Uses AI to generate pages for the Public Site

Generates Control Panel for the Public part of the Site with all most necessary features!

Generates Client Support and Communications Center

Generates automated posts in Business Social Networks

Integrates with the most popular third-party APIs

Deploys itself on AWS

What is Eve?

Eve is Generator, aimed to help with development of complex Hybrid Site+CMS+CRM+BPM Web Applications.

How does it work?

Uses AI to analyize client business and generate Business Models

Generates database structures and fill with generated data

Theme is picked with theme builder

Uses AI to generate pages for the Public Site

Generates Control Panel for the Public part of the Site with all most necessary features!

Generates Client Support and Communications Center

Generates automated posts in Business Social Networks

Integrates with the most popular third-party APIs

Deploys itself on AWS

Analyzes Client Business

Use AI to analyize Client's Business and generate Business Models

Enter an url of the Client Website to get the information, or answer several questions to the AI

The bot goes to scan content on the Client's Website to learn more about their Business.

If the Client does not have a Site, its all right - you can upload Client's documents or enter links for scanning manually.

If it still doesn't work, don't worry - you can choose either Services or Wares path for the starting point of content generation.

Most businesses either provide Services or sell Wares, this is a good starting point for Database Models.

Analyzes Client Business

Use AI to analyize Client's Business and generate Business Models

Enter an url of the Client Website to get the information, or answer several questions to the AI

The bot goes to scan content on the Client's Website to learn more about their Business.

If the Client does not have a Site, its all right - you can upload Client's documents or enter links for scanning manually.

If it still doesn't work, don't worry - you can choose either Services or Wares path for the starting point of content generation.

Most businesses either provide Services or sell Wares, this is a good starting point for Database Models.